jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008


These wine bars — all based on an honor system — have a charming, if maybe a bit naïve, faith in mankind’s honesty. For the price of 1 euro (about $1.50), you rent yourself a glass and get to sample as many of the wines as you want. At the end of the night you throw some bills or coins into a big jar, the amount based on what you think is fair.


3 comentarios:

~mujer dijo...

de parte del consumidor, supongo...
qué tal se portaba la gente? y qué tal se portaba el vino?

maga dijo...

estafa no sé si de toda la gente, pero sí por parte de los 4 limeños que atacamos esa noche. el vino, normal. la experiencia, mostra.

V dijo...

Uy! mostro! Yo quiero ir!